The break in routine that comes with the holidays encourages many of us to look back and take stock of the prior year before looking forward to the year ahead. We’re typically inspired by hope and ready to make plans to improve ourselves personally and professionally, and inspire those around us to do the same.
While many roll their eyes at ‘The Resolutioners’ (New Year, New Me anyone?) reflecting back and planning ahead is a meaningful exercise for leaders and their teams. This is a great opportunity to help your team connect what they do everyday with the impact they have on others inside and outside of your company.
Helping employees find purpose builds employee engagement.
Here are 3 simple steps to build Employee Engagement after the holidays:
1. Look back
Climbing mountains requires a lot of attention and focus on the path ahead (for obvious reasons). But, there’s no greater feeling of accomplishment than the one realized by looking back to appreciate how far you’ve come.
Take stock of what each individual, the collective team and the organization does for the communities and customers they serve, and for one another – and the difference you’ve made. Celebrate the successes and meaningful moments, and learn from the stumble or two we all inevitably make along the way.
2. Talk about how they fit
Everyone wants to make an impact and feel that they are a part of something great – an integral piece of something bigger than the sum of all its parts. Talk with your team about how each person’s work contributes to the overall success of the organization, and how the work they do makes other people’s lives better. Because, without them things just wouldn’t be the same!
3. Look forward
Learning from our past stumbles is a great place to start. But then ask yourselves how you can make an even greater difference for those you touch in the year ahead? Identify two or three things you can do individually and as a team to increase your impact in the coming year.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that this is an activity leaders should do throughout the year, not just after the holidays. But if that New Year’s nostalgia provides the motivation for some inspiring conversation, so be it!
Happy New Year from your friends at Amplitude.
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